Monday, January 7, 2008


At the time, I did not understand my father's statement, "Ignorance is a great evil, maybe the greatest." World events of the 21st century are helping me see that my dad was spot-on correct.

Ignorance is fuel of today's ethno-fascism.

The poorly executed elections in Kenya last year were not the cause of the murder and mayhem. The "rigging" was only a catalyst. Each Kenyan reacted to the perceived rigging in some fashion. One man chose to chose to pray; another man chose to grab a panga, join a mob and chop people up, still another chose to join a road block and extort money.

Some politicians made statements that amounted to a justification of violent behavior. Which is more egregious, an ignorant man killing another because he is from another tribe or a politician justifying the behavior for his own gain?

I am hopeful that the present fiasco in Kenya will be resolved soon. To move forward, it is essential that the extermination of ignorance be a priority.

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